1. Husky is one of the most beautiful dog breeds, how nice it is to walk down the street with such a handsome man on a leash! Enthusiastic glances of passers-by are guaranteed to you!
2. Huskies have good health and live 13-15 years. It’s just great when wet. you visit the clinic only on a planned basis: vaccination once a year and treatment against parasites.
3. One of the main advantages of this breed is its friendly nature. There is no aggression in this breed. Huskies of any person are greeted with curiosity and are ready to kiss you! Especially if you have a tasty treat in your pocket! Pleasant pastime, kiss and caress, fun is guaranteed to you!
4. The husky’s coat is double, and has a lot of advantages: it cleans itself, does not get wet well and does not smell. Just imagine: you came from the street (autumn, rain and mud), wiped the dog’s belly and paws with a wet cloth and that’s it! Your dog is clean and does not smell
5. Husky are kind to children and will never offend a child. This breed of dog loves children very much and is happy to communicate with them! Mutual fun, catch-up games, felting on the ground, children’s laughter will brighten your evening!
6. Huskies don’t bark! Dogs of this breed do not genetically make such sounds. Indeed, imagine, huskies do not know how to bark! They express their emotions with other sounds: howling, “talking”, it looks very funny! In short, you will never get bored with a husky!
7. Siberian huskies don’t eat much! They are small toes. In addition, these dogs are rather unpretentious in food. Huskies should be in good working shape by standard. In no case should you overfeed them. Therefore, if you are feeding dry food, read the feeding norms carefully and follow them. As a rule, each adult dog eats about 300-350 grams per day. dry food. If you are feeding natural food, know that the %% food-to-body weight ratio of your dog should be around 3%. For example, if your husky weighs 20 kg, then she should eat no more than 600-700 grams per day. 8. Husky is a very smart breed. They are used to making decisions themselves. The Husky is truly an intelligent, thinking breed. It so happened genetically that they were forced to make decisions themselves during the movement of the team, memorize the road, sense danger and take care of the owner. In modern realities, few people travel by sledding, but in our urban environment, a dog also needs brains and the ability to make decisions. They really enjoy exploring new places, running along unfamiliar routes. Husky has no stereotyped algorithms of actions, and they can make decisions that are not standard. This must be taken into account when you are considering starting training.

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